GFWC MA Junior Membership and a Bit of GFWC HistoryThe GFWC Massachusetts Junior clubs work on programs in their communities, their state, their country, and internationally. Clubs follow the guidelines from GFWC International as outlined in the GFWC Club Manual.
GFWC held its Biennial meeting in Chautauqua, NY in 1922. At that meeting a resolution was presented establishing a Junior Committee. In 1924 over 7,500 young women were members of Junior groups of GFWC. In Massachusetts, the first chairman was Mrs. Clarence W. Clark from 1924-1927. In 1932, GFWC changed the status of Juniors from a committee to a department. In 1935, GFWC adopted bylaws for Junior clubwomen making them a legally recognized part of the organization. In 1944, GFWC abandoned the age limit for Junior membership, leaving it up to states. Finally, in 1952, a GFWC bylaw revision created the position of Director of Junior Clubs on the GFWC Executive Committee. Millie Crom was elected as GFWC's first Director of Junior Clubs; she served from 1952-1954. Her theme was "The Preservation of our American Heritage". A Junior program booklet, "Slide Rule for Creative Activity" gave information about the work of Junior clubs. Would you be surprised to know there were 2,120 Junior Clubs during her term? In Massachusetts, an Executive Board of Junior Membership was formed, and Joan Walton served from 1954-1956. In Massachusetts, not much is known about the chairmen or directors before 1964 as there was no report from them included in the state Manual. Massachusetts is proud of these two women who served as GFWC Director of Junior Clubs:
Barbara E. Shaw was the second GFWC Director of Junior Clubs. Her theme was You Are the Light of the World. From Mrs. Shaw: "What a challenge is presented to all members of Junior Clubs! Let every Junior clubwoman express that light and direct its radiance. Let us give whole-hearted support to our program, Let Our Light Shine. In your hands you hold a key. It is your key. How many doors will it open? That depends of you." At the 1955 convention, delegates adopted a bylaw revision that granted voting representation to every state with a Junior leader whose position corresponded to GFWC Director of Junior Clubs. Marta DiBenedetto used a theme Treasure the Gift; that was also her theme as GFWC Massachusetts Director of Junior Clubs 1998-2000. From Mrs. DiBenedetto: "Well, I can safely say that the spirit of Juniors is alive and well and we continue to make a difference each and every day. This outstanding work by Juniors across the country has served as an inspiration to this director." She was the first GFWC Director to have a Junior Trip ~ Marta's Cruisin' Juniors. The cruise was on the Royal Caribbean "Enchantment of the Seas" and included Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Grand Cayman. |