GFWC Legislative Action Alerts
GFWC Legislative Action Center
In accordance with the resolutions adopted by the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, GFWC often joins other national organizations to urge congressional or federal agency action on a particular matter. These letters, in addition to individual clubwomen contacting their members of Congress directly through the Legislative Action Center, result in a national network of grassroots advocates working together to improve the lives of club members, their communities, our nation, and the global community.
To promote the interests of the Federation and its members, GFWC provides additional information including bill summaries, congressional conference reports, and research findings germane to GFWC advocacy efforts.
GFWC also encourages clubwomen to engage in face-to-face meetings with members of Congress and their professional staff. These meetings may be on Capitol Hill or in-district. To assist you in your legislative visits, GFWC provides talking points and leave- behinds for our core issues as well as for other timely matters.
This is GFWC advocacy in ACTION.
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In accordance with the resolutions adopted by the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, GFWC often joins other national organizations to urge congressional or federal agency action on a particular matter. These letters, in addition to individual clubwomen contacting their members of Congress directly through the Legislative Action Center, result in a national network of grassroots advocates working together to improve the lives of club members, their communities, our nation, and the global community.
To promote the interests of the Federation and its members, GFWC provides additional information including bill summaries, congressional conference reports, and research findings germane to GFWC advocacy efforts.
GFWC also encourages clubwomen to engage in face-to-face meetings with members of Congress and their professional staff. These meetings may be on Capitol Hill or in-district. To assist you in your legislative visits, GFWC provides talking points and leave- behinds for our core issues as well as for other timely matters.
This is GFWC advocacy in ACTION.
Click here for the latest GFWC Priority Issues!
Click here to sign up for future email alerts!